Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections in the country, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma launched a scathing attack on the Congress party, saying that Hindus won’t remain in the Assam Congress by 2026. He said, “By 2026, there will be no more Hindus in the Assam Congress and almost all the Muslims will leave the Congress by 2032. We will open a branch at Rajiv Bhawan as Mahanagar BJP. Many Congress leaders will join the BJP tomorrow.” The statement by the Assam Chief Minister was made as he visited the state BJP headquarters in Guwahati on Saturday and attended a crucial meeting to take stock of the preparedness for Lok Sabha polls.
Vidya is an accomplished news writer known for her expertise in transforming complex news stories into engaging infographics. With a sharp eye for detail and a talent for visual storytelling, Vidya makes intricate news captivating for our audience.
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