Odisha Prepares For Grand Oath Ceremony On June 10

Odisha Prepares For Grand Oath Ceremony On June 10

Preparations are on in full swing in Odisha for the swearing-in ceremony on June 10 as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has won a majority in the Assembly state elections for the first time dismissing the decades-old Naveen Patnaik government.“The new government will be sworn in in the next few days. We are expecting senior guests, VIPs to attend the occasion. More than 30,000 people will attend the swearing-in ceremony. Eminent guests from different sectors, people from various sections of the society will also participate,” Odisha Chief Secretary Pradeep Kumar Jena told ANI on Saturday.

Vidya newsographics

Vidya is an accomplished news writer known for her expertise in transforming complex news stories into engaging infographics. With a sharp eye for detail and a talent for visual storytelling, Vidya makes intricate news captivating for our audience.

Vidya J S

Vidya is an accomplished news writer known for her expertise in transforming complex news stories into engaging infographics. With a sharp eye for detail and a talent for visual storytelling, Vidya makes intricate news captivating for our audience.

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