UPSC lateral entry row: Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi on Monday slammed BJP -the BJP-led NDA government, accusing it of destroying the Constitution with a ‘distorted version of Ram Rajya.’ He reiterated the allegation that the lateral entry was an attack on Dalits, OBCs and Adivasis. Taking to social media platform X (formerly Twitter), the leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha on Monday slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA government again. Asserting that the NDA’s move to recruit public servants for 45 posts through lateral entry would adversely impact the reservation granted to the SCs, STs and OBCs. His post said, “Lateral entry is an attack on Dalits, OBCs and Adivasis.”
Vidya is an accomplished news writer known for her expertise in transforming complex news stories into engaging infographics. With a sharp eye for detail and a talent for visual storytelling, Vidya makes intricate news captivating for our audience.
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