The stock market opened in the green as trading began on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, with media, IT, and mid and small cap IT and telecom stocks rising the most. At 9:20 am IST, the benchmark BSE Sensex was up by 218.78 points or 0.29%, reaching 76,120.19. The broader NSE Nifty was up by 85.65 points or 0.37%, reaching 23,042.90.Among the 30 Sensex stocks, Infosys Ltd rose the most by 1.58%, trading at ₹1,858.10. This was followed by Zomato Ltd, which rose 1.30%, trading at ₹211.05, and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, which rose 0.81%, trading at ₹4,069.00.
The stock market opened in the green as trading began on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, with media, IT, and mid and small cap IT and telecom stocks rising the most. At 9:20 am IST, the benchmark BSE Sensex was up by 218.78 points or 0.29%, reaching 76,120.19. The broader NSE Nifty was up by 85.65 points or 0.37%, reaching 23,042.90.Among the 30 Sensex stocks, Infosys Ltd rose the most by 1.58%, trading at ₹1,858.10. This was followed by Zomato Ltd, which rose 1.30%, trading at ₹211.05, and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, which rose 0.81%, trading at ₹4,069.00.