The morning of the Mauni Amavasya, one of the most auspicious days of the Maha Kumbh mela in Prayagraj, took a tragic turn when a stampede broke out due to overcrowding. The stampede occurred when crores of people gathered at the Triveni Sangam, the confluence of three rivers- Ganga, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati, to participate in the second ‘shahi snan’, also known as ‘amrit snan’. The first ‘amrit snan’ was held on the occasion of Makar Sankranti on January 14.
The morning of the Mauni Amavasya, one of the most auspicious days of the Maha Kumbh mela in Prayagraj, took a tragic turn when a stampede broke out due to overcrowding. The stampede occurred when crores of people gathered at the Triveni Sangam, the confluence of three rivers- Ganga, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati, to participate in the second ‘shahi snan’, also known as ‘amrit snan’. The first ‘amrit snan’ was held on the occasion of Makar Sankranti on January 14.