Bar association objects to Justice Yashwant Verma’s transfer to Allahabad HC

By : Sandhya
Following the discovery of cash at Justice Yashwant Verma's official apartment in Delhi, the Allahabad High Court Bar Association (HCBA) on Friday rejected the proposed transfer of Verma, stating that it raises a "serious question as to whether the Allahabad High Court is trash bin." In light of the cash recovery, the Supreme Court Collegium unanimously recommended on Thursday that Justice Varma be returned to the Allahabad High Court.
In a letter, HCBA expressed its disapproval of corruption and stated that it "was taken aback" by the choice to send Justice Verma back to his parent high court. "This issue becomes significant when we consider the current state of affairs, which is that the Allahabad High Court lacks honorable judges and that new judges have not been appointed for years despite ongoing issues."
By upgrading its members, HCBA expressed serious concern that the Bar is never consulted when choosing judges. "It seems that the eligibility consideration is inadequate. The letter claimed that there was a deficiency that led to corruption and, as a result, seriously damaged public trust in the judiciary.