A 21-year-old man was detained for allegedly abducting and gang raping a 13-year-old girl, along with two others, on Wednesday in Rajasthan’s Phalodi. The minor’s father, who was returning after filing a missing complaint at the police station, allegedly discovered her lying unconscious by the roadside, a police officer said on Thursday.The accused, who was arrested from Balotra, is known to the girl’s father. Two others remain absconding, the officer added.
A 21-year-old man was detained for allegedly abducting and gang raping a 13-year-old girl, along with two others, on Wednesday in Rajasthan’s Phalodi. The minor’s father, who was returning after filing a missing complaint at the police station, allegedly discovered her lying unconscious by the roadside, a police officer said on Thursday.The accused, who was arrested from Balotra, is known to the girl’s father. Two others remain absconding, the officer added.