"Everyone makes mistakes, including me. After all, I am a human being, not some God," PM Modi said during the podcast with Zerodha's Nikhil Kamath.Prime Minister Narendra Modi, making his podcast debut on Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath's People by WTF series, said that mistakes happen and he too is susceptible to making them."Mistakes happen, and I too can make some. I am also a human, not god," PM Modi told Mr Kamath. The Zerodha co-founder also shared his apprehension about his language skills in the beginning of the podcast, jokingly referring to his "bad Hindi."
"Everyone makes mistakes, including me. After all, I am a human being, not some God," PM Modi said during the podcast with Zerodha's Nikhil Kamath.Prime Minister Narendra Modi, making his podcast debut on Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath's People by WTF series, said that mistakes happen and he too is susceptible to making them."Mistakes happen, and I too can make some. I am also a human, not god," PM Modi told Mr Kamath. The Zerodha co-founder also shared his apprehension about his language skills in the beginning of the podcast, jokingly referring to his "bad Hindi."