Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hit out at Arvind Kejriwal over the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor's claim of Yamuna River water entering from Haryana to Delhi being “poisoned”.“A former CM of Delhi has levelled disgusting allegations on people of Haryana. Due to fear of losing, people from 'aapda' have got rattled. Are people of Haryana different from those in Delhi? Are relatives of those living in Haryana not residing in Delhi? Can the people of Haryana poison the water their own people drink? The water sent by Haryana is consumed by everyone living in Delhi, which also includes this Prime Minister,” Modi said at a rally in Delhi's Kartar Nagar.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hit out at Arvind Kejriwal over the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor's claim of Yamuna River water entering from Haryana to Delhi being “poisoned”.“A former CM of Delhi has levelled disgusting allegations on people of Haryana. Due to fear of losing, people from 'aapda' have got rattled. Are people of Haryana different from those in Delhi? Are relatives of those living in Haryana not residing in Delhi? Can the people of Haryana poison the water their own people drink? The water sent by Haryana is consumed by everyone living in Delhi, which also includes this Prime Minister,” Modi said at a rally in Delhi's Kartar Nagar.