Reliance’s Vantara, dedicated to restoring India’s wildlife through its conservation programmes, partnered with the Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots (ACTP) to reintroduce Spix's macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii) to Bahia, Brazil. This species of parrot, also known as the little blue macaw, was declared extinct in the wild in 2000. Now, Vantara’s affiliate, Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (GZRRC), along with ACPT, has 41 little blue macaws rehabilitated to their native land. The group consisted of 23 females, 15 males and three unsexed juveniles who were transferred from ACTP’s breeding centre in Berlin, Germany on January 28.
Reliance’s Vantara, dedicated to restoring India’s wildlife through its conservation programmes, partnered with the Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots (ACTP) to reintroduce Spix's macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii) to Bahia, Brazil. This species of parrot, also known as the little blue macaw, was declared extinct in the wild in 2000. Now, Vantara’s affiliate, Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (GZRRC), along with ACPT, has 41 little blue macaws rehabilitated to their native land. The group consisted of 23 females, 15 males and three unsexed juveniles who were transferred from ACTP’s breeding centre in Berlin, Germany on January 28.