Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday urged voters to vote for his party if they want zero electricity bills, and choose BJP if they wanted hefty power bills. “All those who want zero electricity bill, vote for AAP, and all those who want hefty sums as electricity bills can vote for BJP. BJP has announced that they will end subsidies on electricity once they form government... They are against free electricity,” Kejriwal said while addressing a rally during campaign for Manish Sisodia in Jangpura.“We have got amazing love and support from Jangpura in the last 10 years. This is why I have handed over my dearest Manish Sisodia to all of you... He is my dearest. He is my younger brother, my 'senapati'. We will multiply the development in Jangpura. We will complete all the works that have been paused,” ANI quoted Kejriwal as saying.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday urged voters to vote for his party if they want zero electricity bills, and choose BJP if they wanted hefty power bills. “All those who want zero electricity bill, vote for AAP, and all those who want hefty sums as electricity bills can vote for BJP. BJP has announced that they will end subsidies on electricity once they form government... They are against free electricity,” Kejriwal said while addressing a rally during campaign for Manish Sisodia in Jangpura.“We have got amazing love and support from Jangpura in the last 10 years. This is why I have handed over my dearest Manish Sisodia to all of you... He is my dearest. He is my younger brother, my 'senapati'. We will multiply the development in Jangpura. We will complete all the works that have been paused,” ANI quoted Kejriwal as saying.