IPL 2025. India off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin, who was recently picked up by Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2025 mega auction in Jeddah, feels Virat Kohli is going to lead Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) in the upcoming edition of the tournament. While analysing RCB's auction, Ashwin said that the franchise haven't gone with any other leadership option, hence he does not see anyone else other than Virat leading the team, who are searching for the elusive IPL title win.
IPL 2025. India off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin, who was recently picked up by Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2025 mega auction in Jeddah, feels Virat Kohli is going to lead Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) in the upcoming edition of the tournament. While analysing RCB's auction, Ashwin said that the franchise haven't gone with any other leadership option, hence he does not see anyone else other than Virat leading the team, who are searching for the elusive IPL title win.