Teacher aspirants in Bihar mob education minister demanding TRE-3 supplementary results
On Monday, prospective teachers protested outside the office of Education Minister Sunil Kumar, calling for the release of the Teacher Recruitment Exam (TRE)-3 extra results. While driving to his home, the education minister got ensnared in a large group of teacher candidates who had been protesting for weeks in favor of their demands.
It was quite difficult for the security staff to calm down the prospective teachers. The minister got out of his car as the candidates were seated in front of it, but they requested that he write to the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) requesting further results.
According to the candidates, the minister promised to write to the BPSC about this, but the commission was left to make its own choice. A few days earlier, opposition MLAs in the Bihar Legislative Assembly also demanded supplemental results, but the minister vehemently denied the suggestion.