Can eating apples, cauliflower, tomatoes, blueberries, and broccoli minimize your risk of developing cancer? What a physician stated
A list of effective foods to prevent cancer was provided by cancer specialist Dr. Tarang Krishna on a recent episode of the Figuring Out With Raj Shamani podcast. According to him, adding broccoli, blueberries, and tomatoes to your diet can lower your risk of developing cancer and improve your general health when you combine a balanced diet with a healthy lifestyle. He recommended cauliflower and apples as substitutes for broccoli and blueberries in the event that they are too costly or unavailable.
According to Dr. Krishna, broccoli is one of the top three vegetables that people should eat to lower their risk of developing cancer. Instead of frying it, simply sauté it in olive oil. Just season it with a little salt and pepper and keep it fresh forever. Blueberries come in second. It's excellent and crucial.
Tomatoes rank third due to their high lycopene content. It's excellent. However, it is best consumed slightly grilled. Why? Because its lycopene is better absorbed when it is mildly grilled. Tomatoes should ideally not be consumed raw. If you consume these three items, you are undoubtedly maintaining a healthy atmosphere.