Meet India's first ‘Gen Beta’ baby: A boy born in Mizoram's Aizawl

By :  Sandhya
Update: 2025-01-05 13:01 GMT

As the year 2025 brought upon the world the ‘Generation Beta’, India got its first baby of this gen on New Year's day, January 1, in Mizoram's Aizawl. The baby boy named Frankie Remruatdika Zadeng, was born at 12:03 am on January 1 at Durtlang's Synod hospital in Aizawl, making him the first birth of Generation Beta.

The baby weighed 3.12 kg at the time of his birth and marked the beginning of the new generation's era. Sister Lalchhuanawmi of the hospital's Lawmna Ward said that the baby boy was in good health and had no complications.


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